mint x6

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We have all been attacked by mint over the last few months. The color is ubiquitous in fashion (that a bajillion bloggers have mentioned, I'm guilty too of course).... [insert infomercial voice] But that's not all! Now there is a SIXTH collection from BeachMint, the company that brought you JewelMint, StyleMint, BeautyMint, ShoeMint, and HomeMint. I've already written mint so much I'm starting to forget what the definition is. Does that happen to anyone else? No? Maybe it's just me.....

So here's the latest: Brooke Burke-Charvet is the celeb Creative Director behind the newest BeachMint endeavor, intiMint. Get it? IntiMint sells intimates? This one wins hands-down for best name. 

Somehow I've managed to steer clear from these addicting members-only, monthly-bank-account-depleting websites for the last two years. But with intimates starting at just $20, I might have to take the plunge. I mean, I'm going to an increasing amount of bachelorette parties each year, and I loathe paying full price for anything at Victoria's Secret. And maybe I'll look a little bit more like BB if I buy her stuff? It works that way, right? I think it's worth a shot.


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