clearly loving

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pun intended. I have an infatuation with see-through bags and clutches lately. They're super sleek, and force you to be organized and minimalistic with its contents. Something I am not accomplished at. Maybe it's the non-creepy Peeping Tom in me (is there such a thing?) but another thing I love about these bags is seeing what other women deem mandatory when leaving the house.

images 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 (on sale!)

Side note about the Peeping Tom comment: I love driving at dusk. It's the time when a home's inhabitants haven't shut the blinds yet, and it's just dark enough to peer inside their house. It's the best when you see a family sitting at the dining room table or a book club pouring drinks. Something about seeing people I don't know doing things I enjoy, I guess. Blue Eyes says I'm a creep for doing this, and as I'm writing this I am starting to understand why...  


  1. Glad to know I'm not the only creepster! When I lived in PV, I loved walking around dusk so I could see the inside of houses. Exercises + decor inspiration…I like to call it mutli-tasking :) Enjoy your snow day!

    1. Yes - I knew I wasn't the only one! Decor inspiration is a great idea... I'm going to need to start walking around PV instead of driving so I have more time with each house to do "research".

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