Have you heard the news? Google Reader is going bye bye on July 1st. I'm super sad, as this is my preferred method of staying connected with my favorite blogs.
The most popular way to keep in touch with finer feelings post-July 1 is through bloglovin'. Check out the button on the right side bar to follow along that way.
Many bloggers use Facebook to keep their readers and friends involved. Having recently deleted the FB app on my phone (and SO happy with that decision), I don't see a finer feelings page making its way to your feed anytime soon. Facebook has proved to be an effective way to gain readership; however, it is just not a platform I believe to be a good fit. Unfortunately I find it to be more of a place for one-upping and narcissism than for sharing enlightening stories and supporting each other (there are of course exceptions to this at times).
I do appreciate all of you reading and following along, and strive to continue the growth of this little space of internet. That being said, I sure hope you continue to follow along here. I would love to hear your opinions on Facebook, and of other blog reading websites that may be a decent replacement for Google Reader.
I do appreciate all of you reading and following along, and strive to continue the growth of this little space of internet. That being said, I sure hope you continue to follow along here. I would love to hear your opinions on Facebook, and of other blog reading websites that may be a decent replacement for Google Reader.
Another option is feedly!