another post about states

Thursday, December 27, 2012

This time, the subject isn't traveling to/from a state. 
It's about an amazing necklace I found while dilly dallying on Instagram yesterday.

via @jennykin

Even if you've never stepped foot in either of these states, you probably know that Kansas City is a border city: half in Kansas, half in Missouri. Most anyone who has lived in or visited Kansas City has ties to both sides. While most of the publicity is over on the Missouri side, the Kansas side has a lot to offer as well.

I spent most of my formative years on the Kansas side in a suburb called Overland Park. I now live on the Plaza, in  Missouri. I am constantly crossing State Line to visit Blue Eyes, go to work, see my parents, work out, and eat the best bbq in the country. While there's plenty to do in Kansas, when someone visits KC, you can bet the majority of their time will be spent sightseeing, eating, and drinking on the Missouri side.

That's why I love this necklace. It embraces the two distinct states that together make up my home.


  1. Love! I wish you could customize them and I would have already ordered a KS/TX one.

  2. Love this! What a great idea!

    x Kenzie


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